Building phases

Nordkapphallen was built in 1959, mainly out of stone. In 1988 work began to expand the building complex. To protect the visual experience of Nordkapp, large parts of the building were placed inside the mountain plateau, such as the cinema and a huge grotto. In 1997 a new entrance hall was added and today the building center is able to accommodate several thousand guests at one time.


In 1553 an expedition of three ships sailed from England in search of the Northeastern Passage. Two of the ships never returned home. The third ship with Richard Chancellor as commander passed a mighty mountain plateau and gave it the name Nordkapp. Over a century later the Italian priest Francesco Negri arrived at the same cliff. He is considered the first tourist to Nordkapp, and describes it as the end of the known world. It took another two hundred years before tourism to Nordkapp established. In 1873 the union king Oscar climbed the steep cliff of Nordkapp. This visit sparked great interest around the world, and just two years later the first group of travelers on a cruise arrived. The journey to the far north was a great achievement and was celebrated with a glass of Champagne - a tradition still kept alive at Nordkapp.

The Globe

This monument has become the symbol of Nordkapp. It marks that you are at the end point of Europe - the northernmost of the continental mainland. This is a treasured place for photography and contemplation. This is the culmination of all journeys.

Children of the Earth

Seven monuments made by seven children from all parts of the world, symbolizing cooperation, friendship, hope and joy across all boundaries. The project was initiated in 1989 and every year in the beginning of June, local children join to celebrate the very same values, and a humanitarian award is given in support of children around the world.


Nordkapphallen has a rich variety of sights. Immersed into the mountain cliff awaits a spectacular panoramic film that takes you on a journey through four seasons in a landscape full of contrasts, light and breathtaking scenery. At the top level of the building center you will find a restaurant with stunning views of mountain plateau and endless ocean, a coffee shop and Aurora Borealis Bar.You will also find an exclusive gift shop, historical displays, a post office, Thai Museum and the St. John chapel with its unique architecture.